How Important is the Size When Choosing a Garage Door Torsion


If your garage door opener stops working or the cables look too worn for how old they are, the problem may not be mechanical. Instead, it could be that the door’s springs are broken.

When torsion springs aren’t the right size, they can be dangerous. The garage door won’t work the way it should, which could cause it to break and put people in danger. Here are facts showing the importance of garage door torsion springs and why you need to make sure they fit right.

Too Big Torsion Springs Can Damage a Garage Door Opener

If the springs on a garage door are too big, they give the door more strength than it needs. It will open too quickly and with too much force, making it less safe. When kids or adults who aren’t ready for it try to open it, the sudden force could knock them over. It will also move up and down when the door is opened, which is another safety issue.

Opener with Too Small Torsion Springs May Not Work Well

If the door’s spring is too small, the door may be too heavy. If someone tries to open the door by lifting it, it will not be successful and will instead fall back down. If a user didn’t know about the problem with the garage door, the door could close on them and hurt them. If kids try to push the door up and run under it, they could also get stuck.

The Door is Protected If You Have the Right Torsion Spring Specifications 

Replacing a too small or too big torsion spring having the right size balances the door and keeps it safe. You can open the door easily and keep it in place safely. You might need to replace the garage door opener if it was damaged by too small or too big springs.

Keep in mind that only a trained technician can replace the garage torsion springs.

Tips on Determining the Size of Torsion Spring You Need

In four easy steps, you can use an existing spring to figure out the size of a torsion spring:

Figure out whether the spring is blowing to the right or the left. If it turns clockwise, it winds to the left, and it winds to the right if it turns counterclockwise.

Measure either 10 or 20 coils and find the correct length for that number.

Find out how long the spring is on the inside. You can do this by measuring from the inside of the spring’s windings to the end.

Final Thought

Using the above method, you can figure out what torsion spring size you need and order a new one. When you order torsion springs, have these three measurements and the direction of the wind on hand. A company that offers garage door torsion spring canada can help you determine if the spring size you already have is wrong and if you need more help. You can find torsion springs in the right size for all kinds of garage doors. Contact them if you need assistance.


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