Considerable Factors to Purchase Gold Melting Machine


A gold melting machine is equipment where high temperature is used to melt the gold and other metals. Gold melting is the first and foremost step in gold processing because the gold cannot be used in its original deformed shapes.

The gold melting machines are rapidly replacing the traditional manual gold melting methods due to their efficiency and convenience. With these machines, you need a few seconds or one minute to melt a large gold quantity.

The market is jam-jacket with various gold melting equipment options, one of which is CDOCAST. CDOCAST is a well-known manufacturer of metal casting and melting equipment. Gold melting machines of CDOCAST are designed with the latest working principles and equipped with all the gold melting required tools.

However, to choose the most appropriate machine from the CDOCAST collection, you have to consider these factors;

1. Size/Capacity

The size and capacity of melting machines are directly related to each other; the larger the capacity, the larger the size will be. Usually, the capacity of gold melting machines usually varies from 1 to 15 kilograms, so their size is.

You can choose the capacity of the machine based on your requirements. However, remember that a large machine is costly and consumes more power sources. So, carefully choose 6the size of your machine.

2. Melting Machine Type

Based on the working principle, the gold melting machines are divided into 3 categories; resistance, torch, and induction. Every type has different pros and cons that you should search before picking. In our recommendation, induction melting machines are the most reliable. Here is why!

The CDOCAST machines work on the principle of induction. Induction technology takes only 3 to 5 minutes for each run which is very quick compared to the resistance method. It’s also a cost-effective method because the resistance machines are high-insulated as their insulation is used to enhance machine efficiency.

3. Budgeting 

The gold melting machines are available in different price ranges. These machines’ prices vary based on their designs, technology, and latest features like display screen and automatic system. All the advanced features come with a price.

So, determine your budget to get the most reliable option. If you have a limited budget, you can go for a simple but efficient machine as the convenient features don’t affect the machine’s performance.

4. Features

As mentioned above, gold melting machines’ features and designs are becoming more advanced. These features are meant to provide as much convenience and ease of use as possible. The CDOCAST gold melting machines are not only providing such features but also other gold melting equipment like high-quality heat resistance gloves, graphite molds, and tongs.

5. Applicable Metal

In contrast to the name, gold melting machines are not only specific for gold, but these machines can also use for various other metals like bronze, brass, alloys, copper, gold, and silver. If you need a machine for multiple metals, check the product description to whether the machine is applicable for your respective metals or not.


The gold melting machines make the melting process efficient and provide a hassle-free experience. So, when choosing a machine, ensure that the machine offers all the features you need for your work. So, go now and purchase your first melting machine.


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